Saturday 11 February 2017

Building Your Own Drone

how to make a quadcopterat homepdf-DiyFPV 
As quadcopter hobbyists,couldn’t wait to build our to setup or diy quadcopter?if you are a beginner and need some quadcopter setup guide,you are come the right place,here will share you some tips about building quadcopter.Today I will share you one good artcle which from personal drones.Though it is long time and some of the components have been outdated,but the basic stages remain the same and should be useful for the beginners.Yes,let us begin.
eight: 360gr without battery. With 2200mAh 2S battery: 487gr. Size: The 4 motor centers form a square with a side of 17,5 cm and a diagonal distance from front motor to back motor of 25 cm.So the quad is in the 250 class. ALL the components lists as below   Frame:Super Simple mini h quad (SSHQuad),The frame with the nylon supports for the control board fitted.Price is $25 Flight Controller:Hobbyking KK2.1 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board With 6050MPU And Atmel 644PA,If you’re new to multi-rotor flight or have been unsure about how to setup a KK board then the KK2.1 was built foryou. The 6 Pin USBasp AVR programming interface ensures future software updates will be quick and easy.flashed with firmware 1.12S1.Price is $29.99            Motors:Tiger motors T-Motor MT1306-10(Price is $25.9) if you want more power and payload, consider Tiger MN1806“Blackout 3S” 2300kv Motor(Price is $25.9) instead, that will allow you to run on 3S batteries. ESC:HobbyKing 12A BlueSeries Brushless Speed Controller (to be flashed with SimonK firmware). Or get them already flashed.Features: Extremely low internal resistance/ Super smooth and accurate throttle linearity/ Over heat and over-load protection/ Auto shut down when signal is lost or radio interference becomes severe for more than 2 seconds/ Supports high RPM motors/ Power arming protection (prevents the motor from accidentally running when switched ON)Price is $8.3. Propellers:Geniune Gemfan 5030 (5×3) Propellers for 250 Size Quadcopters and Multi-rotors –Perfect for Zmr250, Fpv250, Vortex Orange and Green.Price is $13.99 Video Transmitter:FatShark –250mW 5.8GHz A/V Transmitter, Compatible with ImmersionRC, FatShark, and other Airwave based systems. Cables are directly compatible with ImmersionRC equipment.Price is $54.99 Antenna:VAS –5.8 GHz Bluebeam Omni Antenna Set (RHCP).These will greatly increase your video range and clarity. Place the 3 lobe cloverleaf on your transmitter and 4 lobe skew planar wheel on your receiver for the ultimate omni-directional experience.Price is $44.95 Video Camera: Mobius HD camera, wide angle edition. JooVuu or Eletoponline365.Price is $80 Bolts:M2 x 12 STAINLESS ALLEN BOLT CAP SCREW to fix the motors to the frame, + M2 washers. The frame is exactly 1cm thick, so you need these long screws here. Power distribution:XAircraft X650 Pro JST 1 To 5 Power Cable E7008 . Landing gear:BLH1645 Blade 450 Landing Gear Set this is very lightweight and possibly not strong enough for this build. Size and shape fit perfectly though, and this is what I had “in the bag”, so we shall see, might need an upgrade later on.Price is $10 Model recovery device:HobbyKing® Discovery Buzzer.Plug it in to a spare channel on your receiver and the Buzzer can be activated by a switch on your TX. Switch the buzzer on to help locate a lost plane.Price is $2.94 FC mount:5.6mm x 12mm M3 Nylon Threaded Spacer (10pc) Perfect for mounting Multi-rotor control boards.Price is $0.86 Time for building quadcopter guide
Landing gear glued and zip-tied in place

Wiring of the ESCs, detail
Motors in place

A view from below,a velcro strap is now in place to hold the battery With FatShark video transmitter and wide angle mobius camera
Camera now connected to the transmitter. Power filter for the video system in place, will plug straight into the batterybalance cable

Fully assembled mini quadcopter for FPV

The receiver side of the quad. Note the HobbyKing discovery buzzer tied to a leg of the landing gear
A small 3 white leds strip was fitted on each front arm. These strips should run at 12V however I am getting quite adecent lighting for the 7-8 V of the 2S batteries used in this setup. The leds are powered through one of the leads of the X-Aircraft connector used for power distribution I will deal with it the first time. Thank you! If you found this post helpful or have more quadcopter setup guide experiences,please leave your comments below,That’s welcom.

Friday 10 February 2017

Make a Aurdino Control Robat At Home...

If  you  are  ready  to  begin,  let's  start  with  .  .  . Materials  needed Everything  you  need  can  be  found  in  webshops,  and  via  Google,  and  you  can  get it where  you  are, in  any  country.
1  PICAXE-28  Project  Board The  28  pin  project board  is like  a  game  of Mario  Bros; Fun  and  full  of extras and hidden  features,  making  you  want  to  play over  and  again. It  is  an  extremely good board  to  get you  started,  and  it can  be  used  for  a  fantacillion  different  projects, don't get me  started  :)
Male  "snap  off"  Header  Pins,    at  least  10  pins  on  a  strip Many  times  the  boards that you  buy just have  holes in  them,  and  that  makes  it hard  to plug  something  in  / on.  One  way to  overcome  this,  is to  solder  wires  into  the  holes. Another  is to  add  these  pins, so  you  can  plug  on  wires,  like  with  the  servo  and  female headers shown  below.  "Why  don't they  just  put pins in  all  the  holes  from  the  factory", you  may ask. Well, I don't know.  Maybe  to  give  us  the  option.  It is also  possible  to solder  female  headers  onto  the  board,  perhaps  this is why. You  get  these  in  long  rows,  and  simply  break  them  apart with  your  fingers.
3  Shorting  Blocks,  Top  Closed Put  these  over  2  pins  next  to  each  other,  and  there  is a  connection  between  them!

5  or  more  Female-Female  Header  Jumper  cables Yes.  These  are  nice.  When  I started  this hobby a  couple  of years  ago, these  where really  hard  to  get.  Now  they are  everywhere, and  that is really  good.  Most things in  this new  robot-hobby of yours have  pins (or  you  solder  some  in  ;)  - and  by using  these jumpers,  you  can  make  quick connections without soldering. Nice!
1  USB  PICAXE  Programming  Cable You  write  your  robots  programs  on  your  computer.  Plug  this  cable  into  the  robot,  and transfer  the  program. Unplug, and  the  robot  runs  the  program  by  itself.
1  PICAXE-28X1  IC This chip  is a  Microprocessor.  That  is often  explained  as "A  computer  in  a  chip".  It can be  placed  in  the  board  described  above,  after  that,  it can  be  programmed  from  your computer  via  the  programming  cable. Your  program  can  tell  the  controller  to  "listen  for  inputs", "think about  them", perhaps make  some  calculations  or  look in  some  datas,  and  make  outputs to  something  like the  motor  driver  below. It  is  chosen  here, because  it is quite  strong,  yet  very easy to  program, as  you  will  see below.

1  L293D  Motor  Driver  IC I will  describe  this later, when  we  install  it below  :)
1  DIL  330  x  8  resistor  array The  Yellow  chip!  It is very  dull,  just a  row  of  little  resistors.  You  will  be  using  it to  set your  board  up  for  servos.
1  Standard  servo A Servo  is a  cornerstone  in  most  robotic appliances.  To  put it short it is a  little  box  with wires  to  it, and  a  shaft  that  can  turn  some  200  degrees,  from  side  to  side. The  microcontroller  can  decide  to  where  the  shaft  should  turn, and  stay there. Like  go to  "3  o'clock".  That is it pretty  handy;  You  can  program  something  to  physically  move  to a  certain  position. Next  thing  (after  this  project)  could  be  to  let one  servo  lift another servo.  You  would  then  have  what  is  referred  to  as  2  DOF  ("Degrees  of Freedom").  But let's  start with  one  ;) You  may  wonder  why my servo  has  that white  pin,  where  yours might have  a  flat disc, a  cross, or  something. It does  not matter,  servos  comes  with  all  kinds  of "servo  horns". We just need  something  there  to  glue  the  head  on  to!
1  Sharp  Analogue  InfraRed  Range  Finding  System  (AERS) with  cable The  one  "eye"  sends  infra  red  light.  The  other  sees the  reflection  of this  (if there  is one),  and  the  unit returns  the  distance  to  the  object  in  front of  it. It has  3  wires  (make sure  you  get  the  cable  for  it,  or  it can  be  a  little  hard  to  hook  up ).  You  give  it power  on 2  of the  wires,  and  the  third  one  plugs  into  the  microcontroller,  and  tells it the  distance.
1  4  x  AA  Battery  Holder  if  you  are  using  rechargeable batteries-  or  1  3  x  AA  Battery  Holder  if  you  are  using  non-rechargeable batteries (See  more  below,  regarding  batteries, and  why the  difference  - Point is that you  need as  close  to  5V  as possible,  one  way or  the  other,  and  you  can  use  something completely different in  terns  of batteries  if you  want.  As long  as  it is just about  5  Volts.)

2  Geared  motors  and  wheels  to  fit It  is  very  important that your  motors  have  gears .  You  want  a  slow  robot; Go  for  high ratios, like  120:1  or  higher, as  a  slow  robot  is so  much  more  fun  in  the  beginning, because  you  can  see  what  it is doing. Apart from  that, there  is  not much  to  say.  Well, that would  be,  that  there  are  many ways  of moving  and  steering.  This way of only  using  2  wheels,  is  sometimes referred to  as "skid  steering".  And  it is worth  remarking  that  if you'd  like  to  add  belt  tracks  later on, the  basics  are  the  same  ;)
1  Roll  of  double  sided  foam  tape Oh  yes!  If  there  is something  you  cannot fix with  this tape, it is because  you  are  not using  enough!  It  is a  very,  very fast way of sticking  2  items  together. In  fact we  will  be using  it to  make  this entire  robot!  Depending  on  the  make,  of  course,  it is also reasonably  easy  to  take  apart  again. Paint  stirring  sticks , this tape,  and  a  melt  glue  gun with  robots  :)  is the  backbone  for  most of  my  fun

1  Heat  shrink  tube  (5  mm  approx) Sometimes  you  do  need  to  solder  2  wires together. For  instance  the  Sharp  IR  Range finder;  It comes  with  straight  up  wires  on  the  plug.  What you  do,  is cut one  of  the female  cables  (above)  in  2  parts, solder  them  together..  but  before  that,  you  cut  a  little piece  of  this heat shrink tube  to  slide  over  the  place  without insulation.  Then  with  a lighter, you  can  quickly  heat  up  the  tube,  and  it shrinks  to  fit. That  is  so  much  smarter  than  using  tape  ;)
Also  needed: Batteries Either  3  AA  Non  rechargeable,  or  4  AA  Rechargeable. This robot needs  5  Volts. Mainly  because  the  Sharp  IR, really feels  best on  5.0V,  that's what  it's made  for.  Motors and  servo  would  like  more,  microcontroller  could  live  with 6.0V, but  keeping  it simple  is the  core  here,  so  we  feed  the  whole  robot  with  as  close to  5.0V  as  possible.  And  rather  too  little  than  too  much, so  we  make  sure  not  to  fry anything, now  that  this is your  first  robot  ;) Now,  you  may know,  that normal  batteries  provide  1.5V.  However,  you  may  not know that rechargeable  batteries only provide  1.2V! No  matter  if you  knew  that or  not,  3  times 1.5V  from  normal  batteries,  is 4.5V.  If we use  4  times 1.5V  we  would  get  6.0V,  which  might be  a  little  scary  to  use  on  the  Sharp, rated  for  5.0V. 4  times 1.2V  from  rechargeables is 4.8V,  which  is nice  and  close  to  5V.  And  then  it is much  cheaper  in  the  long  run.  So  I strongly  recommend  you  to  get  some rechargeables and  a  charger. Tip:  The  best  rechargeables have  the  highest capacity,  measured  in  "mAh".  The  2500 mAh AA-size  is a  fine  battery.

A Soldering  iron  and  solder If  you  are  new  to  soldering, this  might  interest you.

A lighter  and  a  cutter Lighter  for  heat  shrinking, cutter  to.. cut. Tip: If  you  want  to  use  the  cutter  to  remove  plastic from  cables, turn  it this  way; Imagine  that  you  where  sticking  the  cable  right into  the  cutter  from  where  you  are  now, into  the  table  it is laying  on.  That  way.  And  not  from  the  table,  and  out  to  where  you are.  Then  gently close  around  the  wire,  and  pull  the  plastic  off.

A computer  with  an  internet  connection  and  a  free  USB port Can  be  Mac, Linux or  PC.  The  software  needed  for  this is free. Nice-to-have  tools,  though  not  essential: A multimeter  (aka  measure-thingey),  a  wire  stripper,  and  a screwdriver

Ready?  Let's  make  a  robot  :) Pins  in  holes! First  unwrap  your  board  (I  am  sure  you  already did  that :),  and  then  see  that  it may have  some  red  stuff  underneath.  That  is just there  from  when  they  made  it;  They insert the  components  on  the  upper  side,  and  dip  the  boards  lower  side  into  hot  solder.. and areas  where  they don't  want solder  to  be  stuck,  they  have  placed  that  red  stuff. So  just take  it off :) Let's look  at somewhere  where  we  for  sure  are  going  to  add  some  pins..  Yes, the motor-outs.
The A &  B  on  the  board.  We  will  get back  to  them,  but  for  now,  snap  off 2  times 2  pins, and  plug  them  in. It  does  not matter  if you  snap  off single  pins  or  anything  like  that.  They  are  simply little metal  rods in  plastic. Short side  down  into  board.Use  some  foam  tape  to  hold  the  pins  in  place.
Turn  the  board  around   and  solder...
And  now,  tatataaaa..  You  can  plug  in  any standard  female  header, where  you  used  to have  a  hole  :)
Nice,  and  while  you  are  at it,  also  solder  a  pin  into  analogue  port  0, that we  are  going to  use  for  the  Sharp:
Then  solder  a  pin  into  output 0..
And  you  are  done  with  pin-soldering. If  it was  me,  I'd  just solder  pins in  all  the  holes,  but  you  may  want  to  leave  that for  later. You have soldered all the pins that we need for this project now. Next,  general  instructions:  Extensions  and  alternations  of wires  and  cables: Connecting  2  wires "The  right  way"  is almost  a  religion  to  some. Here  is how  I do  it :)First, I simply twist  together  the  2  wires
Then  I solder  them  together, cut  some  off, if it is too  long, and  bend  it along  the  side  of one  of  them.
However, BEFORE  I do  this,  I make  sure  that  I have  cut off  a  little  piece  of  heat shrinking  tube,  and  placed  it  over  one  of the  wires.  Then  I slide  that over...
A lighter  quickly heats  it up.  This makes it shrink, hence  the  name,  and  it is a  perfect insulation.
I don't think you  realize  how  hard  it was  to  take  that  picture  all  by myself :)  It had  to  be in  focus on  the  right  spot,  you  know.  And  yes, the  wire  got a  little  burned  :p  Good  shot though, if I may  say  so  myself.
From  now  on,  I  expect  you  to  just  extend  wires  that  are  too  short,  hook  up headers  on  wires  when  needed,  and  if  you  need  to  connect  something  to the  board,  where  there  is  only  a  hole...  you  simply  add  a  pin  :) Get  it  together! Fixing  up  the  motors Mount  the  wheels on  the  geared  motors.  You  may  have  a  completely  different  set than I do  here,  but as  long  as they  are  geared  motors that run  fine  on  a  few  volts, and  some nice  wheels,  you  will  be  all  right. When  you  have  the  wheels  on  the  motors,  cut one  of  the  female-to-female  wires  in halves, take  away some  of the  plastic  from  the  end  of the  wire,  and  solder  it on.  And do  the  same  for  the  other  motor
Make  sure  no  solder  or  wires touches  the  metal  on  the  motor  :) Some  wheels  come  with  optional  rubber  tires.  It can  be  a  good  idea  to  wait  with  putting on  this rubber, because  if the  robot is stuck,  it can  just slide,  which  is nice  when  testing and  developing.Chips  in  the  board! The  Picaxe  28X1  Microcontroller  that you  have  here, and  the  board, is a  pretty amazing  and  very powerful  little  package. I remember  how  amazed  I was  that  I could  actually make  this control  everything  I could  imagine,  I hope  you  will  get  that  sensation  at  some  point  as well;  Seriously,  you can  make  this thing  do  all  sorts of  stuff with  all  sorts of  electronics.  Even  if you  know nothing  about  anything, and  electronics is as strange  to  you,  as it is to  me. You  can  also  make  it handle  your  servos, motors,  calculations, monitoring  distance.. everything  a  robot needs.  And  that  is what  we  are  going  to  set it up  for  now The  microcontroller  is the  long  chip.  That  is  the  one  you  program, and  then  there  are inputs and outputs on the board that it can use. Have  a  look  at  this  page:  28  pin  Project  Board  (AXE020), Picaxe  for  dummies Now,  I  do  not expect you  to  read  that  page  now, because  I have  promised  you  that you will  building  building  the  robot as  fast as  possible  :)  However, it  is  important  that you read  that  page  at some  point,  to  learn  about  the  board, and  the  microcontroller. Promise  me  to  get back  to  that, make  a  bookmark  for  next step  ;) OK, enough  talk,  insert  the  long  black chip, that  is the  microcontroller. Make  sure  to  turn  it the  right  way:  It has a  marking  in  one  end,  and  so  does the  socket. They should match. Now,  when  you  bought  the  board,  it should  already have  a  black  chip  in  it, in  the  slot where  I have  placed  the  yellow  chip, in  the  picture  below. Take  up  the  black chip,  and  as  I did, replace  it with  the  yellow  one.  It does not have enough  pins, but  see  picture  for  what  end  to  leave  open.  (the  inner  side) The  yellow  chip  is sitting  between  the  microcontroller  and  the  topmost  row  of pins  on the  picture.  That row  has  (as you  will  know  when  you  read  about the  board,  your bookmark, remember?)  the  outputs. We are  going  to  hook  up  the  servo  to  one  of  these.  Servos  are  sending  a  lot of electrical  noise  back on  the  line.  The  Yellow  chip  is a  series of  330  Ohm  resistors,  that will  reduce  the  amount of  noise  that  is sent  back to  the  microcontroller. It is simply straight  lines across, with  some  resistance  between, making  the  signals travelling  both ways  a  little  weaker.  So  it is there  to  protect the  microcontroller. Frankly,  I have  never  heard  of  anyone  frying  a  microcontroller  because  of  servo  noise, but since  manuals tells  us to  do  this,  and  the  board  is prepared  for  it, we  might as  well. I have  also  heard  of black  versions of  this chip.  How  boring,  but  none  the  less, and yes;  You  can  use  it, no  matter  the  colour,  if it has  the  same  functionality.
The  black chip  that  was  in  its place,  is  a  so-called  Darlington  driver. If  you  need  more info  than  that, please  read  the  manuals :)  But it is a  good  chip,  if you  are  not hooking up  servos  right  on  the  board. It  is amplifying  the  signals,  so  for  instance  you  can  hook up  a  speaker  right on  it (where  we  now  will  be  placing  a  servo)  - and  using  the command  "Sound",  you  can  make  it beep  quite  loud,  play tunes  etcetera.  You  have  got to  try  that as  well! Just not now  ;)  Disadvantage  of using  the  microcontroller  and  this board  for  everything  is, that  when  you  want  to  play  with  servos,  you  take  out the Darlington, and  the  fun  it provides.  But there  is more,  wait  and  see! Last chip  is the  motor  controller,  throw  that  in  as well! When  your  microcontroller  is placed  in  your  board,  it can  switch  power  on/off.  You could  use  that  to  drive  motors.  However,  motors are  "rough", and  could  fry the microcontroller's  outputs.  And  another  thing  is that  if the  microcontroller  can  only turn power  on/off,  then..  how  do  you  drive  backwards? A motor  driver  takes care  of  all  this; This little  motor-driver-in-a-chip  can  drive  a  pair  of small  motors (600  mA  each,  for  the tech  interested),  without  frying  the  microcontroller.  And  furthermore; It  can  make  the motors  go  backwards.  Which  is handy when  facing  a  wall  :) Your  nice  board  has a  place  for  a  motor  driver  that can  take  a  pair  of  small  motors,  and make  them  drive  both  forward  and  reverse. The  board  is set  up, so  the  microcontroller's outputs  4, 5,  6, and  7  are  fed  into  the motor  controller, and  out comes 2  fine  pairs of  wires that you  can  hook  up  to  a  pair  of motors:  Motor  A  and  Motor  B.  And  you  just soldered  pins  into  them,  how  nice.
Tip:  New  chips  in New  and  unused  chips  usually  have  the  two  rows  of legs  a  little  too  wide  apart.  So gently  push  down  the  side  of the  chip  towards a  table  to  correct  it, before  inserting  it into  a  slot.  You  will  understand  me  once  you  try to  place  a  new  chip  in  a  socket ;) Tip:  Old  chips  out It  is  easy  to  get  a  chip  out  of a  socket, by inserting  a  flat screwdriver  below  it, push  it under,  to  the  far  end, and  gently  push  it up. Fact:  Later  in  your  life,  you  will  want the  microcontroller  to  just  be  a  microcontroller. You  then  buy extra  other  boards  for  something  like  servo  control  and  motor  control. These  boards will  get  their  commands  from  the  microcontroller.  And  then  your  robot can  do  everything  much  more  powerful,  and  simultaneously. However, it is pretty amazing  what  you  can  make  this  set-up  do, as  you  have  it right here! Many,  many  cool  robots and  other  project use  far  simpler  or  just this set-up. Make  the  body..  without  a  body! In  order  to  keep  this as  simple  as possible, we  are  just glueing  all  the  parts  together, and  call  that  a  robot!  Yes. If  you  prefer,  of course  you  can  make  it more  advanced  than  this. Only thing  to  note  as such  is that  we  use  2  central  wheels,  each  with  one  motor.  Driving  both  forward  makes the  robot  drive  forward, and  if one  is going  backwards with  one  forward, it turns  on  a plate. If  one  is still, and  the  other  is driving, it is more  like  "sliding" to  one  side. What you  can  do, is simply to  stick on  the  motors to  the  battery holder, using  the foamy  tape.  If the  batteries are  in  there, and  the  wheels are  big  enough  to  have  them placed  below  the  axle, the  whole  thing  will  simply  balance  on  its own. Quite  strange, actually,  when  I think  about it :)
Somehow  also  leave  some  room  for  the  servo  in  front.  Or  stick it on  to  the  front  of it all.
Most  important  is that  wheels  touch  ground, and  the  rest  is more  or  less in  balance. It does not matter  if it is tipping  a  little  backwards. Feel  free  to  make  your  own  design,  of  course  :)  If  you  do  not  like  the  balancing  part,  or cannot  make  it work,  you  can  just add  some  smooth  "pads", or  extra  wheels.  A  pearl, or  an  old  LED  could  make  nice  little  "third  wheels",  that  usually are  placed  in  the  rear of  the  robot.
Now,  as  you  can  see, this  time, I  used  the  4-battery  holder.  Because  that is the  biggest one, which  makes  it easier  to  stick it all  on  to  it.

- But if you  are  using  non-rechargeables, and  only should  use  3  batteries, here  is a  tip: Find  an  old  telescopic antenna, from  a  radio  or  something.
Cut  off a  piece  (Here  is a  tip  on  how  to  cut  it ), and  insert it instead  of one  of  the batteries. Bingo  ;)

OK, next thing  is to  place  the  board  on  the  robot, and  hook everything  up  (apart  from the  Sharp, wait  with  that). First:  Take  out the  batteries  again  (or  at  least one  of them). Just  to  make  sure  you don't fry something  by  accident.  We  don't have  an  On/Of  on  this robot;  Batteries  in, and  it is alive. But we  want it  dead  now,  so  one  battery  out!  (and  not  like  on  next picture,  doh!) Some  battery  holders have  wires  (like  the  one  I am  using), and  some  have  a  clip  that fits right onto  the  clip  on  the  board,  as illustrated  in  the  3  battery  holder  below.  If you have  a  clip, then  hook it up, you  are  done.  If you  have  wires like  me, cut  off the  clip from  the  board,  and  connect black with  black and  red  with  red.  (and  use  shorter  wires than  I  did  ;)
The  +  from  the  battery should  go  the  where  the  RED  is hooked  up  on  the  board, from the  factory.
Hook  up  stuff  to  the  board Hook  up  the  servo Your  servos wires  colours  may  be  different,  but  the  hints are; Brown  or  Black  (Ground) to  the  outside, Red  (Volt)  in  the  middle,  and  yellow  or  white  (Signal)  on  the  inside  of the  board.  These  descriptions  may make  most sense  to  you,  if you  have  read  about the  board , as you  promised  me  to  do  earlier. But for  now  you  can  just note  the  colours, and  make  sure  to  plug  in  your  servo  the  right  way around  :)
Mount  the  board,  and  hook  up  the  motors With  some  (more)  foam  tape, stick  on  the  board  to  the  rest  of the  robot. Make  sure  the  mini-jack (the  metal  ring  in  one  end  of the  board)  is placed  so  it is easy to  plug  in  a  cable,  because  you  will  be  doing  that  many times!  And  be  careful  to  make sure  that the  bottom  of the  board  does  not touch  any  metal  ;)  That  would  cause  short circuits. Hook  up  the  motor  wires, into  the  A&B-pins  that  you  soldered  on  earlier: One  motor's 2  wires goes to  A  on  the  board,  the  other  two  wires  go  to  B. It does not matter  which  motor  connects to  which  output,  we  will  manage  the  rest  in  the programming.
Oops, one  of  my  motors wires  was  too  short, so  I added  little  blue  extensions  from  a scrap  piece  of  wire  that I found.

There  is a  nice  little  room  to  stuff  in  excess  lengths  of  wires  :)
And  voilĂ !
Break  out,  software 
Yes,  I know  your  robot still  has  no  face  :) We need  to  turn  the  servo  to  centre. Of  course  you  could  try  and  do  it by  hand,  and  estimate  it to  be  in  centre,  but the smarter  way is to  let the  microcontroller  put the  servo  to  centre. Because  then  you  can mount  "the  face",  facing  forward,  right  where  the  microcontroller  thinks  it should  be, when  facing  forward. You  are  going  to  take  a  "Time-Out" from  this  tutorial,  because  you  will  need  to  set  up your  computer  to  know  there  is a  programming  cable  attached, and  a  piece  of programming  software  must be  installed. I cannot  help  you  much  with  this,  as it depends on  the  type  of computer  you  have  got, and  what  the  folks at  the  Picaxe  website  have  updated  after  I wrote  this. However, go  to you)  (or  the  easier  to  remember: Depending  on  your  OS, you  want  either  the  - that redirects Free  PICAXE  Programming  Editor  or  the  AXEpad  (which  is also  free, it  is  just not  in the  name  ;) Download  and  install  which  ever  they claim  will  make  you  able  to  program  the  Picaxe chips! Then  you  want to  find  the  part that says AXE027  PICAXE  USB  Download  Cable Install  the  driver  and  cable  as  described,  and  plug  the  jack into  the  board.
Insert all  batteries in  your  robot.. wait..  wait.. sniff..  anything  smells funny?  No  sparks, no  smoke?  No?  OK, go  on  then. Most  versions of  the  Picaxe  programming  software  have  some  form  of menu  item called  "Options".  Enter  that,  and  look for  a  page  or  tab  that says  "Mode".  Some  editors even  open  this very page  for  you  when  you  first start  up  the  program. Here  you  should  find  a  button  that  says  "Firmware" or  "Check  firmware  version".  Click that. Now  what should  happen  is that  the  editor  talks to  the  cable,  that  talks to  the microcontroller,  and  asks it what  kind  of a  Picaxe  chip  it is. It should  return  something like  "28X1/40X1",  and  this should  be  displayed  on  the  screen  for  you. If  yes,  then  good;  You  have  contact. Now  somewhere  in  the  same  screens, you  should be  able  to  set the  mode  of  the  editor,  set it to  28X1/40X1. (It  is a  big  mystery to  me  why this  has  to  happen, by the  way;  Apparently  the  editor can  see  what  kind  of  chip  is there,  so  why on  earth  can  it just not  set it by itself?. hmm.. let  me  know  if you  find  this reason  one  day ;) OK, if you  get  any errors, cannot  find  the  microcontroller  or  something  is reported wrong  with  the  cable,  I will  have  to  ask  you  to  lean  on  Picaxe's help  and  manuals.  It's usually  very simple,  so  try again  if something  is wrong. Or  try  from  another  computer, just to  see  how  it should  work,  and  then  try  the  first  one  again, and  bug  track  that  way. Now,  enter  the  main  programming  editor;  It is like  a  big  text editor. If  no  project  is open, go  to  "File";  and  open  "New  Basic" / "New".
In  here  write  this: servo  0,  150 wait  2 This is your  first program,  and  it is very  simple.  The  first  line  tells  the  microcontroller that there  is a  servo  on  pin  0,  and  that  it should  be  put  in  the  centre  (center)  position, which  is  150. The  next line  tells it to  think  about  life  for  2  seconds  (which  gives the  servo  time  to turn). And  after  this, the  microcontroller  will  stop  doing  anything  at all, it will  go  zombie! Write  it in,  and  transfer  the  code  to  the  microcontroller.  That is done  on  some  systems by pressing  F5. No,  wait,  I think  it is so  on  all  systems. On  all  that  I can  test from  here anyway :)  You  could  also  click  "Program". You  should  be  told  that  the  program  is transferring, and  then  magic should  happen; The  servo  should  turn  to  the  centre  position. Perhaps  it did  not do  much, but  that  may  be  because  it was  already in  centre. Try  to  hold  down  the  "Reset"  switch  that  is placed  on  the  board,  while  turning  the  servo to  one  side.  Then  let go  of the  reset, and  it should  turn  back  in  place. Perhaps  you  do  not  think  it is centre, but it is. But  maybe  your  servo  "horn"  is just mounted  awkward.  In  the  middle  of  it, there  is a  screw.  Unscrew  and  take  of the  horn, make  sure  the  microcontroller  did  put the  servo  in  centre,  and  then  screw  on  the  "horn" (disc,  or  what ever)  again,  so  it  is  the  way you  think it should  look like  when  centred. Now,  let's  try  to  turn  the  servo  to  the  sides,  let's extend  the  program: servo  0,  75 wait  2 servo  0,  225 wait  2 servo  0,  150 wait  2 the  servo  command  should  only  be  using  values  from  75  to  225, which  is the  most a standard  servo  can  go  to  either  side. Values  out of  this range  are  not  recommended, may produce  funny  results. Every time  you  run  this  program  (you  can  unplug  the  cable,  take  out  the  batteries, and turn  it on  again  without  the  cable),  it will  start from  the  top.  And  every  time  you  press reset, it  will. If  you'd  like  it to  go  in  a  loop,  you  can  add  a  label  in  the  top,  and  in  the  bottom  make  it go  back  to  that label. We  make  up  any  name  for  a  label,  just a  single  word,  followed  by a  colon,  watch:
servofun: servo  0,  75 wait  2 servo  0,  225 wait  2 servo  0,  150 wait  2 goto servofun Now  it just goes on  and  on..  Try  to  play around  some  with  it, change  values  etcetera,  if you  like  :) ... OK, back  to  building  the  robot ;) Plug  in  the  wire  to  the  Sharp,  if it was  not in  from  the  shop.  in  other  words; Make  sure there  are  3  wires  coming  from  the  Sharp.  Your  colours  may  be  different,  but I  have  red, black  and  white,  which  is pretty  meaningful  for  V,  G and  Signal. You  may  need  to  add  female  headers  to  the  wires,  like  I did  below.  These  can  also  be in  any  colour,  of course. However,  I have  soldered  3  of  same  colours  on,  so  you  can trust the  ones  in  my picture   to  be  leading  you  to  which  cable  goes  to  where. Be  careful  to  check  that  you  are  plugging  this right  in, because  the  Sharp  can  fry  pretty easily. In  the  picture  below,  you  can  see  what  goes  to  where.  The  stick and  strange  set-up  is just to  make  sure  you  can  see  the  wires
You  should  have  3  little  black  things  called  Shortening  Blocks.  What they  do  is simply connect  2  pins  next  to  each  other. If  you  don't have  any,  you  can  always  just use  a  female-to-female  jumper  cable instead,  like  I did  on  the  last  one,  with  a  little  white  cable.  The  blocks are  smart because  they don't  take  up  any  space, a  wire  is smart, because  it can  reach  from  one end  to  the  other  of  a  board. As you  can  see  I  did  on  the  next  picture,  connect  analogue  input  1, 2  and  3  to  V, using shortening  blocks or  female-to-female.
Why this?  A  brief  and  not  very  scientific  explanation  is; these  4  inputs  (0,  1, 2  and  3) are  analogue.  Which  means they  measure  "how  much  pressure  is on  the  line". However, they  are  connected, if  they  like  it or  not.  And  so, a  little  pressure  on  one  of them  actually  does something  to  the  next.  They  are  "left floating".  By  tying  the  3  that we  do  not use  to  V, they  are  just returning  "full  value",  and  they are  not left  floating. So the  last  one,  number  0, that  we  use, is way  more  accurate. I have  not read  documentation  that  tells you  to  do  this,  however,  I have  at  several occasions  experienced  strange  readings,  until  I tied  all  unused  analogue  pins  to  either ground  or  V. Oh...  and  in  fact  I am  writing  documentation  here  (sort  of :)  So  now  it is written in the documentation to do this! :) Make  sure  the  servo  faces  middle, 150! With a new piece of tape, mount the Sharp IR on the servo horn, facing forward. Tadaa!  :)

You're  done  building  the  basics! The  design  may  vary,  you  may have  used  other  parts  etc... But  if you  have  connected as  described,  here  are  some  tips to  get  started  programming  your  robot:
Programming Enter  this  code  into  your  editor,  and  press  F5  while  the  robot is connected: main: readadc 0,  b0 debug goto  main Now  take  your  hand  in  front of  the  robot´s head  and  notice  how  the  variable  b0 changes  value.  You  can  use  the  knowledge  gained  to  decide  what  should  happen  and when  (how  close  things  should  get before..) You  may  notice  how  things start to  go  "wrong"  if stuff is too  close  to  the  "eyes";  The Sharp  is made  to  work  with  objects 10-80  cm  away.  Things that are  closer  than  10  cm (4  inches)  appear  to  be  further  way,  which  can  be  quite  a  challenge  to  program. You  can  get many  other  distance  sensors  that  do  not have  this  problem.  However  the Sharp  is the  cheapest, and  easiest to  program,  so  that's why  I made  such  a  "bad" choice  for  you,  sorry ;)  Look around  and  see  what  everyone  else  is  using,  before  you decide  on  an  upgrade. Now  I advise  you  to  put  your  robot up  on  a  matchbox  or  similar, as  the  wheels will  start turning. Enter  this  code  into  your  editor,  and  press  F5  while  the  robot is connected: high  4 low  5 One  of  the  wheels should  turn  in  one  direction.  Does  your  wheels turn  forward?  If  so, this  is the  instruction  for  that  wheel  to  turn  forward. If  the  wheel  is turning  backwards,  you  can  try  this: low  4 high  5
To  turn  the  other  wheel,  you  need  to  enter high  6 low  7 (or  the  other  way around  for  opposite  direction.) What happens  here  is that by  using  only  the  options available  to  the  microcontroller; power  on  or  off (High  / Low)  on  the  pins, it  is  commanding  the  motor  controller  to  set motor A or B in forward or reverse mode. low  4 low  5 low  6 low 7 stops all  motors The  servo  you  have  already tried. All the way to one side is: servo 0, 75 wait 2- the other side is: servo  0,  225  wait 2- and centre: servo  0,  150  wait 2 Here  is a  small  program  that will  (should,  if all  is well, and  if you  inserted  the  right parameters  for  high/low  to  suit  your  wiring  to  the  motors)  make  the  robot  drive  around, stop  in  front  of things, look  to  each  side  to  decide  which  is the  best, turn  that way,  and drive  towards  new  adventures.  In  the  code  I have  made  so  called  remarks: explaining you  what  is going  on.
You  can  write  such  comments  or  remarks  yourself in  the  code, it  is  a  good  idea  to keep  track. They  are  written  with  an  apostrophe  (or  single  quote)  sign.  However,  copying  this text from  here  might  alter  that  to  something  else,  and  you  will  have  to  fix that  manually, sorry.  Your  programming  editor  has colour  codes,  that  will  help  showing  you  what  it recognizes as comments and what as code. Symbol  dangerlevel  =  70  '  how  far  away  should  thing  be, before  we  react? symbol  turn  =  300  '  this  sets how  much  should  be  turned symbol  servo_turn  =  700  '  This sets for  how  long  time  we  should  wait  for  the  servo  to turn  (depending  on  it´s speed)  before  we  measure  distance main: '  the  main  loop readadc 1,  b1  '  read  how  much  distance  ahead if b1  <  dangerlevel  then gosub  nodanger  '  if nothing  ahead,  drive  forward else gosub  whichway  '  if  obstacle  ahead  then  decide  which  way is better end  if goto  main  '  this  ends  the  loop,  the  rest are  only sub-routines nodanger:'  this should  be  your  combination  to  make  the  robot drive  forward,  these  you most  likely  need  to  adjust to  fit the  way you  have  wired  your  robots motors high  5  : high  6  : low  4  : low  7 return whichway: gosub  totalhalt '  first  stop! 'Look one  way: gosub  lturn  '  look to  one  side pause  servo_turn  '  wait for  the  servo  to  be  finished  turning readadc 1,  b1 gosub  totalhalt 'Look the  other  way: gosub  rturn  '  look  to  another  side pause  servo_turn  '  wait for  the  servo  to  be  finished  turning readadc 1,  b2 gosub  totalhalt

The Future On Your Way: Self Driving Car

    The Future On Your Way: Self Driving Car      What is Self-Driving Car?             A Self-driving vehicles (cars, bikes and t...